Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pancakes: New Morning Cafe Tiburon, CA

My wife and I went to Tiburon, CA this past weekend for a wedding. Where is Tiburon? A lot of people have asked me that. Tiburon is across the bay from San Francisco. In fact, you can see the city and the Golden Gate Bridge on the other side of the water when you’re there. It’s a very small, very quaint, very affluent place. In fact, there are not that many shops or restaurants, or bars there. But, if there is breakfast to be had you’d better believe me that I was going to find it. OK, my wife found it—I was just glad that I was getting my pancakes.

We ate at the New Morning Café. I’ve been to smaller places, but the crowd coming into this place to eat was much bigger than the restaurant could handle. Always a good sign, but then again there isn’t that many places to go here. Now, the first thing I get when I go to a new breakfast place is the pancakes, and I usually try to get some sort of breakfast combo which includes eggs, bacon or sausage, and sometimes potatoes. Almost all breakfast places have such a thing, and this place was no different. The breakfast combo came with 2 pancakes, an egg over easy (just they way I like it), potatoes, and your choice of meat. I usually get bacon, but they had bangers as an option which you don’t usually see, so I had to go for that. I love a good salty bangers sausage—I little Irish flare never hut anybody!

When the pancakes finally made it to the table, they were clearly very fluffy and thick and they looked great. The sausage was looking awesome, the egg was perfectly runny, and the potatoes were a little sparse, but as my wife will tell you that’s not a big deal to me. Potatoes are usually the last thing I eat off my plate. After taking a bite of the pancakes I felt like they were missing something; the pancake by itself just seemed a little bland to me. They could have used a little more sweetness I think--I would increase the amount of sugar in the batter. But all in all they were pretty good. I’ve had a lot of pancakes worse than these, that’s for sure! They weren’t bisquick-y, they weren’t flat, they weren’t mungy, they weren’t small—other than the sweetness factor, I thought they were good. The fluffiness of the pancakes worked well at soaking up the syrup, but never got saturated. The sausage was as awesome as it looked, btw! What a treat to get some bangers with your pancakes!

My wife, who is not into pancakes, got an omelet with apple and stilton cheese—which was awesome! They did have an interesting looking assortment of omelets on the menu…but I am here to talk about pancakes! Check out that strawberry jam though...that stuff was awesome! It was in a jar on the table, and I'm pretty sure that they make that stuff themselves. It had big chunks of strawberries in it too!

All in all, I would recommend the New Morning Café to anyone visiting Tiburon. It was a great breakfast experience!

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